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Community – Knowledge Platform - Network


What does our life look like within 20 years from now? Where will we live? What remains of the natural environment? Which towns will be worth living in which ones will grow? Which countries lose, which will win? What do we leave to our children? The Internet has integrated the world into a network and revolutionizes every area of our life. Well educated, future-oriented cosmopolitans want to shape their future actively in this linked-up world.

Futurologists present the following results: Tiny sensors and communication elements are in all things, sense organs will get into houses. Invisible well feeling sensors will measure smells. Houses will produce and store energy. Universities offer training worldwide: In the morning a lecture in Tokyo, in the evening a seminar in Harvard - with the networking of tomorrow no problem.

Of the nine billion people in the year 2050 there will live 6.5 billion in towns - almost as many as in today’s world. To make towns and cities worth living, one will have to walk along completely new ways: skyscrapers become vertical farms, sewage is recycled to the purest drinking water, packings and equipment of every kind get degradable or formed so that they deliver no waste but new raw materials. Robots turn into window cleaners, gardeners and butlers for old people. Blind men learn how to see again, paralyzed people can walk again – all thanks to microchips. Tiny sensors for example in form of a stud earring will check the blood values in the body and look for roving cancer cells. Many 100-year old will then be as fit as 70-year old people today.

We will influence our future directly ourselves. Engineers, enterprises, universities -
all of us will play an active part in it.


What does this mean for the society? Mathias Horx, well-known futurologist, thinks we are in the evolution of our consumption and culture system. Every particular human being is dissimilar more enabled by various factors - also by technology – and this much more than ever before in the history. We are on the best way to change form a passive "consumer" to a "prosumer". We have learned to bring us in in the social discourse and to take our life into our own hands. We have emancipated ourselves.


We will become a society in which the individualization is not only an edge or luxury appearance but in which she formulates the social agreement.


The individual which characterizes our society recruits itself from a broad, educated middle class in which survival oriented questions are largely overcome. This individual does not ask for an increase of consumption and prosperity but after meaning resources.


Data represents the oil of the next decades and is as important as raw materials, work and capital. Those who understand and use for themselves the basic concepts of big data will master the future better.

“Those who know the future, will own it" explains Rudi Klausnitzer, Austrian visionary. The new big data world processes the gigantic amounts of data which we produce daily and therefore turns off random step by step. We and our life’s become more calculable. Economy, science and politics must adapt themselves to these developments.

 Right dealing with data becomes a decisive competition factor. New business models are arising. The Internet has integrated the world into a network and revolutionizes every area of our life: Company, politics, media, culture, technology etc. The natural limits of the time and room play a more and more minor role.

This global change increases the need for a networked intellect and behavior in such areas as of information, developments, know-how and ideas. The costs for the transport of information around the complete globe have dropped drastically; Communication possibilities are solidly cheaper and faster and therefore are at all users' disposal worldwide.

This is where PN Futura gets into the game. Well educated, future-oriented cosmopolitans want to actively shape their future in this networked world. PN Futura and its global community tackle the challenges, scenarios and possibilities in regards to the topic „What does our life look like within 20 years from now“. PN Futura brings together opinions, ideas and considerations, moderates and presents these to new ways of thinking, new starting points and problem solutions.


This global community works out solutions which were not possible till now and consequently improves and reforms the world.

 With this input large and small enterprises can launch new products and solutions, products and services which are asked for by the consumers. PN Futura-Users – demanding, reflective, innovative, dynamic and decisive people – discuss the mega-trends and their consequences in the PN Futura-Community and form the future of the society actively and at all levels. Ideas of enterprises and universities are compared, discussed and developed further.

With this input large and small enterprises can launch new products and solutions, products and services which are asked for by the consumers. PN Futura-Users – demanding, reflective, innovative, dynamic and decisive people – discuss the mega-trends and their consequences in the PN Futura-Community and form the future of the society actively and at all levels. Ideas of enterprises and universities are compared, discussed and developed further.

PN Futura opens to enterprises and universities a unique direct access to future-oriented cosmopolitans on all continents and sub-continents and in 11 major languages; addressing a world population of over five billion people.

PN Futura presents what is being developed today in enterprises and in their laboratories of research & Development. PN Futura does pioneering work at the publication of scientific and technical innovations, brings essays to future scenarios, feature programs and reports about the current research.

PN Futura tackles and approaches regional and global challenges in the international context and opens companies a worldwide and direct access to interested customer segments within 14 presented mega-trends.

PN Futura becomes the global future-platform. A worldwide Think tank which shall already connect over 42 million users after 24 months. 

PN Futura offers an access to structured information and a consolidated – and so far globally unequalled - topic platform.


 PN Futura – good citizenship, sustainability und environmental

 With the globalization new development opportunities but also new challenges arise. We can derive little from the past because today's networking and interaction of products, streams of economies, cultures and knowledge – over old known limits – is unprecedented. _The more speed the current process of cross-border correlations and mutual dependences is picking up, the more the discussion about our future intensifies.

 opens to enterprises and universities a unique direct access to future-oriented cosmopolitans on all continents and sub-continents and in 11 major languages; addressing a world population of over five billion people.

PN Futura presents what is being developed today in enterprises and in their laboratories of research & Development. PN Futura does pioneering work at the publication of scientific and technical innovations, brings essays to future scenarios, feature programs and reports about the current research.


PN Futura tackles and approaches regional and global challenges in the international context and opens companies a worldwide and direct access to interested customer segments within 14 presented mega-trends.

PN Futura becomes the global future-platform. A worldwide Think tank which shall already connect over 42 million users after 24 months. 
PN Futura offers an access to structured information and a consolidated – and so far globally unequalled - topic platform.

PN Futura – good citizenship, sustainability und environmental

With the globalization new development opportunities but also new challenges arise. We can derive little from the past because today's networking and interaction of products, streams of economies, cultures and knowledge – over old known limits – is unprecedented. _The more speed the current process of cross-border correlations and mutual dependences is picking up, the more the discussion about our future intensifies.


The Community „PN Futura“ lies in the trend

Users do not only focus themselves on the networking but want to express their opinion and needs as independent individuals and therefore take an active part in the development of the society. A tendency that can be followed up to the most remote angles of our society, services and products.

The future as a topic is always in demand.

PN Futura generates recurrently content and monetary values.

Fast Mover: PN Futura occupies the future topic "What does our life look like within 20 years from now?” – published in eleven global major languages and connects the stakeholders of the future.


PN Futura improves the world lastingly –
according to the slogan:
We build the future – together”.



18.11.2014 | 916176 Aufrufe

