Physicists mimic quantum entanglement with laser pointer to double data speeds. In a classic eureka moment, a team of physicists led by The City College of New York and including Herriot-Watt University and Corning Incorporated is showing how beams from ordinary laser pointers mimic quantum entanglement with the potential of doubling the data speed of laser communication.


Quantum entanglement is a phrase more likely to be heard on popular sci-fi television shows such as “Fringe” and “Doctor Who.” Described by Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance,” when two quantum things are entangled, if one is ‘touched’ the other will ‘feel it,’ even if separated by a great distance.



“At the heart of quantum entanglement is ‘nonseparability’ – two entangled things are described by an unfactorizable equation,” said City College PhD student Giovanni Milione. “Interestingly, a conventional laser beam (a laser pointer)’s shape and polarization can also be nonseparable.”

To make the laser beam’s shape and polarization nonseparable, the researchers transformed it into what Milione refers to as a vector beam – a polarization dependent shape. Then using off-the-shelf components to ‘touch’ only its polarization, they showed it could be encoded as two bits of information. Surprisingly, this was twice as much information that could be encoded as when the laser beam was separable.

“In principal, this could be used to double the data speed of laser communication,” said CCNY Distinguished Professor of Phyiscs Robert Alfano. “”While there’s no ‘spooky action at a distance,’ it’s amazing that quantum entanglement aspects can be mimicked by something that simple.”

An article on the experiment appears in the latest issue of the journal “Optics Letters” and was supported in part by the Army Research Office.


About The City College of New York
Since 1847, The City College of New York has provided low-cost, high-quality education for New Yorkers in a wide variety of disciplines. More than 16,000 students pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture; the School of Education; the Grove School of Engineering; the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, and the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. U.S. News, Princeton Review and Forbes all rank City College among the best colleges and universities in the United States.



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Where’s the best place to surf the web? No surprise, it’s not North America! South Korea continues to lead with the fastest internet connection speeds, according to Akamai’s eleventh quarterly State of the Internet report. The U.S. ranks 12th.
The first reason is a comparatively lower investment in broadband infrastructure in the US, as compared to many Asian nations such as South Korea and Japan, whose cities tend to dominate the list. In addition, Wall Street frequently punishes carriers in the short-term for making long-term investments in network infrastructure.




02.11.2015 | 9719 Aufrufe

