Das Internet der Dinge und seine Hürden

Zwar hat es Fahrt aufgenommen, das Internet der Dinge (IoT), doch gibt es durchaus Gründe, warum die Welt für das IoT noch nicht bereit ist.

  • 16.10.2015, 18:52 von Editor Due
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Aliens - be found by 2025?

Sci-fi or science? Head of NASA says proof of alien life just years away, top NASA administrator adds it will be found in our solar system. NASA Chief Scientist claims Aliens will be found in ten years.

  • 16.10.2015, 17:51 von Editor Due
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Internet of Things in India 2030

Intel plans to set up 100 Internet of Things (IoT) centres as academic institutions across India. And India can be hub in cognitive technology, Internet of Things, said Sandy Carter, IBM GM (Cloud Ecosystem and Developers).

  • 16.10.2015, 16:10 von Editor Due
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What A City Would Look Like If It Were Designed For Only Bikes (No Cars Allowed!)

Coasting down from your apartment on your personal bike ramp will be so fun.

The more that bike lanes multiply in cities, from New York to São Paulo, the more people ride. Over the past decade, bike commuting in the U.S. has grown 62%. But it's still a tiny fraction of overall transportation.

  • 16.10.2015, 09:54 von Editor Uno
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Volvo's Electric Bus Is So Quiet It's A Perfect Place For A Concert

In Sweden, new buses hosted a series of acoustic performances to demonstrate their quiet ride through a noisy city. The bus is part of a larger project called ElectriCity, where Volvo is working with universities, urban planners, and transport agencies to test and evaluate new, more sustainable public transportation. That includes rethinking how the city might be redesigned to accommodate it.

  • 16.10.2015, 09:20 von Editor Uno
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DC Water to generate clean, renewable energy from wastewater

DC Water leverages technology first in North America to generate clean, renewable energy from wastewater.

  • 16.10.2015, 08:52 von Editor Uno
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Tesla Model S with new semi-autonomous Autopilot

At a press event today, Tesla announced the releaseof version 7.0 of the Model S software, a big, widely anticipated new build that finally enables the car's self-driving features. Those capabilities were first announced last year and the necessary sensors were added to all Model S cars that have rolled off the assembly line since last September, but Tesla has needed additional time to flesh out the algorithms, which it has been testing this year.

  • 15.10.2015, 18:38 von Editor Uno
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Kraftstoffeinsparung mit Niedervolt-Hybrid-Architekturen

Mit den ersten Serieneinsätzen des Continental 48 Volt Eco Drive ab 2016 verspricht der Autozulieferer den Beginn einer „neuen Phase der milden Hybridisierung“. Je nach Stufe der Integration wächst das Potenzial zur Kraftstoffeinsparung, weil das Energie-Management die Allianz von Verbrennungsmotor und elektrischer Energie umfassender nutzen kann.

  • 15.10.2015, 16:26 von Editor Due
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Wie arbeiten wir 2025?

Folgt man dem Trendforscher Gabor Jánszky, wird 2025 je nach Standort komplett anders gearbeitet. Um erfolgreich zu sein und an die besten Arbeitskräfte zu kommen, werden Organisationen in der Stadt andere Strategien verfolgen müssen als solche, die in der Provinz sitzen, so Jánszky.

  • 15.10.2015, 16:07 von Editor Due
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Die intelligente Stadt der Zukunft

Wenn in Deutschland Stadtverantwortliche Ideen für die Zukunft ihrer Stadt entwickeln, sehen die nicht selten anders aus als die globalen Smart-City-Konzepte großer Technologiekonzerne. Ihre erste Erkenntnis heisst, die Projekte sollten von unten wachsen.

  • 15.10.2015, 15:47 von Editor Due
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Ferien 2050 – Unterwasserkreuzfahrten

Geht es nach jüngsten Berichten, wird eine Kreuzfahrt mit dem U-Boot in der Mitte des Jahrhunderts der letzte Schrei. Dann wird das erste Kreuzfahrt-U-Boot in See stechen, um beispielsweise untergegangene Städte wie Bremerhaven oder Rotterdam zu erkunden.

  • 15.10.2015, 15:24 von Editor Due
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Futuristisches Kriegsschiff - Dreadnought 2050

Zu einer friedlicheren Welt wird das Kriegsschiff der Zukunft nicht beitragen. Aber die Vorstellungen der Designer der britischen Royal Navy und des Verteidigungsministeriums zeigen, wie es aussehen wird.

  • 15.10.2015, 15:00 von Editor Due
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U-Boote – Untersee-Kriegsführung der Zukunft

Anfang Februar trafen sich im Office of Naval Research in Virginia zur zweijährlichen Versammlung der Spitzenforscher der US-Marine. Die Gruppe hatte sich versammelt, um innovative Technologien zu besprechen, welche die Navy einsetzen könnte.

  • 15.10.2015, 14:44 von Editor Due
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Porsche Mission E Concept

The Mission E might not top the Tesla in driving distance after all. The Porsche's nearly 311-mile range is on the European testing cycle, but the original story compares it to Teslas on the US evaluation. According to Tesla, a Model S 85D is rated at the equivalent of 328 miles in Europe, and the P85D is at 305 miles. The new 90 kWh battery can add an additional six percent to those figures

  • 15.10.2015, 13:46 von Editor Uno
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Attack of the Chinese Tesla Clones

IF THERE’S ONE place you can knock the Tesla Model S, a car so good it “broke” Consumer Reports’ rating system, it’s cost. The electric sedan is crazy expensive, starting at $71,000 and topping six figures fully loaded. The Model X SUV unveiled last month runs $143,000 decked out with a nice trim package.

Mobilität intelligenter nutzen

Jeden Morgen stecken wir im Stau oder im überfüllten Zug. Unser Verkehrssystem stösst an seine Grenzen. Für die Mobilität der Zukunft braucht es deshalb neue Ideen. Diese hat das GDI in der vorliegenden Studie im Auftrag der SBB erarbeitet. Geleise, Strassen, Züge und Busse – all das wird sich in zwölf Jahren kaum verändern. Sehr wohl aber die Einstellung der Menschen zum Unterwegssein. 

  • 15.10.2015, 10:39 von Editor Zero
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Get ready for digitized farming

Earlier this year, at the AMC Engineering Conference in Waterloo, Iowa, Jeremy Leifker, manager of product strategy and marketing with John Deere’s Intelligent Solutions Group, gave a presentation called “Digitalization —The Next Level of Corn and Soybean Production.”

  • 14.10.2015, 10:06 von Editor Uno
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Blickpunkt - Intelligent genutzte Mobilität

Wie werden wir uns in Zukunft fortbewegen? Die Konferenz «Mobilität 2025» präsentierte eine Studie, die das Gottlieb-Duttweiler-Institut bei den SBB in Auftrag gegeben hatte. Experten und Querdenker zeigten Mobilitäts-Perspektiven und -Grenzen auf.

  • 13.10.2015, 22:32 von Editor Due
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3D printing – five ways to changing the world 

The recent hype over 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, shoudln’t fool you into thinking it's new. This process – which consists of printing layer upon layer of a material, usually plastic, to make an object out of a 3D digital drawing – has been around since the eighties.

  • 13.10.2015, 22:05 von Editor Due
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Smart Palm Trees In Dubai's Beaches

Dubai’s beaches have smartphone addicts and gadget lovers covered with new state-of-the-art trees that allow visitors to have Wi-Fi access and the capability to charge their smartphones. The so-called “smart palm trees” are installed in the beaches of Dubai, where they harness solar power during the day so they can offer Wi-Fi and power to beach goers during the evening. The Smart Palm project is an iconic fusion of easy access to information, accessible WiFi and green technology.


  • 13.10.2015, 15:43 von Editor Uno
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A robot anyone can build - The Lego of the Future?

A robotics and coding kit for kids of all ages. Modular, colorful and LEGO® compatible. Build, code, play, create the future! Meet Robo Wunderkind, the Lego of the future. This startup is building programmable Lego-like bricks that teach kids how algorithms and code work. It is launching today on stage at Disrupt, and on Kickstarter.

  • 13.10.2015, 15:26 von Editor Uno
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'This can be catastrophic': Drone spotted at Vancouver Airport YVR

Vancouver airport officials are warning the public about using drones in restricted airspace after one was spotted flying near YVR’s north runway late Sunday afternoon.

Officers searched for the person flying it, but were unable to identify who was responsible.

  • 13.10.2015, 14:52 von Editor Uno
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Boeing shows off material that is 99.99% AIR

The end of heavy metal: Boeing shows off material that is 99.99% AIR and could lead to new generation of planes and spaceships.

- Microlattice was inspired by the structure of human bones - Made up of interconnected hollow tube - Each tube has a wall 1,000 times thinner than a human hair - Egg wrapped in the material would survive a 25 story drop 

  • 13.10.2015, 14:10 von Editor Uno
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Airbus’ latest patent suggests ‘Concorde 2’ hypersonic jet

DUBBED the ‘Concorde 2’, this futuristic craft could be the next step in hypersonic aviation after Airbus was awarded its patent.

The Mirror reports that the plane would be able to travel at Mach 4.5, meaning it would be possible to travel close to 6000 kilometres in just over an hour.

  • 13.10.2015, 11:24 von Editor Uno
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Dieses Metall könnte die Luftfahrt revolutionieren

Sparen, sparen, sparen – das ist das Motto von Airlines aus aller Welt. Und auch wenn Treibstoff gerade günstiger ist, wollen viele Fluglinien beim Gewicht der Flieger ansetzen. Denn ein leichteres Flugzeug bedeutet nicht nur weniger Treibstoffverbrauch, sondern auch, dass man mehr Passagiere mitnehmen kann.

  • 13.10.2015, 11:01 von Editor Uno
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