16 Trends that will define the future of video games

From the rise of gamer parents to transparent game design, a step-by-step prediction of how games will be made over the next five years

Hundreds of game developers, publishers and analysts recently descended on Brighton for the annual Develop conference. There were controversial keynotes, there were talks about how to make money in a rapidly fragmenting marketplace, but there were also some interesting forward-looking sessions, concerned with where the games industry as a whole is heading – not so much in terms of game design (that’s the domain of events like the Game Developers Conference and SXSW), more in the way the sector will operate as a business. Some of it is pretty weird.


  • 05.08.2015, 09:01 von Editor Uno
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Lkw-Bildschirm schützt Autofahrer

Samsung will mit dem Safety Truck Lastkraftwagen für den nachfolgenden Verkehr durchsichtig machen.

Insbesondere auf Landstraßen können vorausfahrende Lastwagen schnell zum Sicherheitsrisiko werden: Die Brummis behindern die Sicht der hinter ihnen her fahrenden Fahrzeuge signifikant. Überholmanöver können so zum Vabanquespiel werden – und auch potenzielle Gefahren, die vor dem Lkw lauern, werden so nicht oder zu spät entdeckt.

  • 04.08.2015, 15:15 von Editor Uno
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Securing Today’s Data Against Tomorrow’s Quantum Computers

Quantum computers are still a distant prospect, but Microsoft researchers say we should strengthen online encryption against them now.

Call it an abundance of caution. A Microsoft research project has upgraded the encryption protocol that secures the Web to resist attacks from quantum computers—machines that are expected to have stupendous power but have never been built.

  • 04.08.2015, 15:02 von Editor Uno
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Military Robots: Armed, but How Dangerous?

Will artificial intelligence inevitably make warfare worse?

An open letter calling for a ban on lethal weapons controlled by artificially intelligent machines was signed last week by thousands of scientists and technologists, reflecting growing concern that swift progress in artificial intelligence could be harnessed to make killing machines more efficient, and less accountable, both on the battlefield and off. But experts are more divided on the issue of robot killing machines than you might expect.


  • 04.08.2015, 14:56 von Editor Uno
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KLM an TU Delft propose long-distance aircraft featuring wings that merge with its body

Dutch airline KLM and Delft University of Technology have released concept designs for an aircraft with a "blended wing body", which could transport passengers non stop from Europe to Australia.

  • 04.08.2015, 14:48 von Editor Uno
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The man who plans to be ringmaster – of a drone circus

There’s a busy annual programme of events at the Amsterdam Arena, including international football fixtures and music festivals. Soon it will add another event to its calendar: later this year, the stadium will host the first-ever drone Circus.

  • 04.08.2015, 14:37 von Editor Uno
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Bees vaccinate their babies using royal jelly - and the discovery could help save threatened honey bee populations

When the bees hatch they are vaccinated against the pathogens present in the environment. The way bees naturally vaccinate their young has been discovered, and the finding could help us develop artificial vaccines for hives under threat.. Queen bee is fed 'royal jelly' made from pollen collected by worker bees; This jelly sometimes contains pathogens and bacteria from environment; The queen digests the bacteria and stores it in an organ similar to a liver; Pieces of bacteria are bound to a protein and delivered to eggs via blood.

  • 04.08.2015, 13:55 von Editor Uno
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Terrifying wildfire season in Alaska and what it says about climate change

Hundreds of wildfires are continually whipping across this state this summer, leaving in their wake millions of acres of charred trees and blackened earth. At the Fairbanks compound of the state’s Division of Forestry recently, workers were busy washing a mountain of soot-covered fire hoses, which stood in piles roughly six feet high and 100 feet long.


  • 31.07.2015, 16:02 von Editor Uno
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Oslo has built the world’s very first ‘Bee Highway’

In one of the more progressive city planning moves in recent memory, Oslo has begun building “insect hotels” across the city as part of a new initiative to create the world’s first “Bee Highway”.


  • 31.07.2015, 15:23 von Editor Uno
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Mcity: An eerie ghost town built for driverless cars

Driving through Mcity is a uniquely unsettling experience. At a glance this small Michigan town is like any other, complete with crossings, road signs, and even a small selection of shops. Turning right onto Liberty Street, though – the town’s main thoroughfare – you’ll become aware of the eerie quiet.

  • 31.07.2015, 15:17 von Editor Uno
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The Corvette Z06 is a 650-horsepower video camera

On a recent trip to Ann Arbor and Detroit, General Motors was nice enough to lend us a new Corvette Z06 as a runabout. Although Cars Technica is always up for getting some wheel time with interesting sports cars, the fact that the Z06 was equipped with the Performance Data Recorder (PDR) really piqued our interest. In fact, it has been an option on Corvettes for a little while now; last year it made news because of its 'Valet mode,' something that may not be legal in some states.

  • 31.07.2015, 10:58 von Editor Uno
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Dawn of the ROBO-NURSE

A robot that can fetch and carry could be used to help care for sick and elderly people in their own homes. Toyota, the Japanese car manufacturer, has developed the Human Support Robot, or HSR for short, so it will pick up anything it is told to using a mechanical arm that can grasp objects. The robot also have a suction cup to help it pick up smaller more delicate items, such as medication or single sheets of paper.


  • 31.07.2015, 10:45 von Editor Uno
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How to Help Self-Driving Cars Make Ethical Decisions

Researchers are trying to program self-driving cars to make split-second decisions that raise real ethical questions. A philosopher is perhaps the last person you’d expect to have a hand in designing your next car, but that’s exactly what one expert on self-driving vehicles has in mind.

  • 31.07.2015, 09:47 von Editor Uno
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The SeaScape floating villa Concept

BMT Asia Pacific, the firm behind the Project Utopia floating island, has developed a new concept for a luxury floating villa envisioned for calm waters near the coast. Boasting an underwater bedroom that would literally let you sleep with the fishes, SeaScape can also be expanded with attachable pontoons to increase available floorspace.

  • 29.07.2015, 15:11 von Editor Uno
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Diese mobile Luxusvilla schwimmt mitten im Pazifik

Das asiatische Unternehmen BMT Asia Pacific hat ein schwimmendes Luxusapartment entworfen: SeaScape soll künftig Yachten den Rang ablaufen und erlaubt es seinen Besitzern, wortwörtlich bei den Fischen zu schlafen.

  • 29.07.2015, 15:01 von Editor Uno
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Prothesen aus dem Printer: So können 3D-Drucker Flüchtlingen helfen

Das Startup Refugee Open Ware bringt modernste 3D-Drucktechnik in Krisenregionen — und schenkt Flüchtlingen und Kriegsopfern so neue Hoffnung.

„Wir möchten die modernste Technologie nehmen und sie denen geben, die sie am dringendsten brauchen“, erklärt Dave Levin das Konzept von Refugee Open Ware. Ziel seiner Hilfsinitiative ist es, Werkstätten in Krisenregionen und Flüchtlingscamps zu etablieren — ausgerüstet mit 3D-Druckern, Werkzeugen, Scannern und Computern. Dort sollen Refugees lernen, wie man mit den Geräten umgeht, um beispielsweise eigenständig Prothesen zu entwickeln und auszudrucken.


  • 29.07.2015, 14:48 von Editor Uno
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Genetically modified rice makes more food, less greenhouse gas

A 50 percent boost in rice, with methane dropping by 90 percent.

When it comes to major anthropogenic sources of methane (an important greenhouse gas), livestock and leaky natural gas wells and pipelines might come to mind. However, rice cultivation is also among the largest sources. Microbes in wetlands, where water saturation leads to low-oxygen conditions, produce most of the world’s methane, and rice paddies are essentially human-controlled wetlands.

  • 29.07.2015, 09:09 von Editor Uno
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Amazon Lays Out Its Vision for a Sky Thronging with Delivery Drones

To get its drone delivery service off the ground, Amazon must convince regulators to adopt its ideas for drone traffic control.

Online retailer Amazon has a plan to redefine the regulation of U.S. airspace. In 2013 the company revealed it was working on a plan to use drones to deliver packages to its customers—something impossible under existing laws that forbid commercial use of drones. Today an executive leading that project sketched out Amazon’s plan for new rules that would allow it to add drones to its delivery workforce.

  • 29.07.2015, 08:56 von Editor Uno
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The hidden use of Genetically Modified Organisms and their impact on Human Beings, Animals and Nature

“Soil anaemia also breeds human anaemia. Micronutrient deficiency in the soil results in micronutrient malnutrition in people, since crops grown on such soils tend to be deficient in the nutrients needed to fight hidden hunger ... Managing our soil and water resources in a sustainable and equitable manner needs a new political vision.“ M.S. Swaminathan – UN International Year of Soils 2015 – Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.




  • 27.07.2015, 09:46 von Editor Uno
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Cars May Soon Understand More of What You Say

Many cars now come with voice control, but you can’t really talk normally to such systems, and you often have to repeat a phrase to get the job done. That could change, however, with the introduction of voice interfaces that allow for a more natural back-and-forth between driver and dashboard.

  • 24.07.2015, 10:34 von Editor Uno
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Scientists Develop Cyborg Cockroaches

Cockroaches’ astonishing survival skills make them the bane of many households – but perhaps we’ve under-appreciated these tough little insect warriors. The scientists attach a small electronic chip to the insect’s brain, using minuscule acupuncture needles. (The researchers assured Click that the cockroaches suffer no pain – they are just a little startled by the operation.) The chip can then stimulate the nerves involved in movement, allowing the researchers to control the cockroach over a wireless Connection.

  • 24.07.2015, 10:21 von Editor Uno
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Airbus to build JUICE spacecraft, ESA’s next life-tracker inside the Solar System

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected Airbus Defence and Space, the world’s second largest space company, as the prime contractor to develop and build the JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) spacecraft. JUICE is the first large mission of the ESA Cosmic Vision programme, with a launch date in 2022.

  • 24.07.2015, 09:29 von Editor Uno
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Here's what the Hyperloop could look like

Ideas for Elon Musk's high-speed Hyperloop train are blazing ahead in full open source fashion. Argodesign is the latest to add its vision to the fray, with the technology product design firm publishing its own take on what the high-speed transportation system could look like.

  • 23.07.2015, 18:04 von Editor Uno
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In Kalifornien soll bis 2018 die erste Hyperloop-Strecke entstehen - eine Art menschliche Rohrpost.

Dirk Ahlborn hat eine große Aufgabe. Der Deutsch-Amerikaner will die fantastisch anmutende Transport-Vision des Tesla-Gründers Elon Musk umsetzen: das Hochgeschwindigkeitstransportsystem Hyperloop. Es soll Passagiere mit Kapseln in einem Fast-Vakuum durch Röhren transportieren. Der in Berlin geborene und aufgewachsene Ahlborn ist CEO und Gründer der Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. 2016 will er mit dem Bau einer acht Kilometer langen Hyperloop-Strecke in der kalifornischen Reißbrett-Stadt Quay Valley beginnen. Bereits ab 2018 soll sie kommerziell betrieben werden.

  • 23.07.2015, 17:52 von Editor Uno
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Bike ATX 8080 - emission free with an 80 km range and a top speed of 80 km/h

Those interested for a new American-made, all-electric bike may be glad to know that just such a motorcycle will be coming to market within a few weeks. The ATX 8080 by Austin Electric Powersports (AEPS), as it’s known, will apparently have a first run limited to only 500 units, so those interested may want to take a closer look sooner rather than later.

  • 23.07.2015, 17:43 von Editor Uno
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