A very polite robot shows a glimmer of self-awareness - and apologises - during scientific experiment

Self-aware robots with deadly intentions are a staple in sci-fi films. Now scientists have proved a robot can show a glimmer of consciousness – but luckily this android is polite. In an experiment a small humanoid solved a philosophical problem to demonstrate it could understand a question and then recognise its own voice.


  • 23.07.2015, 17:32 von Editor Uno
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EU to fund development of electric four-wheeler

The initiative called Range of Electric Solution L-category Vehicles leads the European Union to encourage KTM an Piaggo in a project that aims to make efficient trhee- and four-wheel tilting narrow trach vehicles a common sight on European roads by the end of the decade.

  • 23.07.2015, 16:53 von Editor Uno
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Start of test with solar energy generating noise barriers alongside highway

Alongside the A2 highway near Den Bosch two test noise barriers are installed that generate solar energy. The aim of this practical test, that was officially launched 18 June is to assess the economic and technical feasibility of this form of energy generating noise barriers. Playing a key role in the test are the LSC panels, developed by researcher Michael Debije at TU/e.



  • 23.07.2015, 16:34 von Editor Uno
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PlasticRoad – The ideal sustainable alternative to asphalt

A lightweight design, a fraction of the construction time, virtually maintenance free, and three times the expected lifespan. PlasticRoad, which consists of 100% recycled material, is the ideal sustainable alternative to conventional road structures.



  • 23.07.2015, 15:51 von Editor Uno
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LED eye glasses use light therapy to treat insomnia

Last week researchers at the University of Buffalo revealed their progress on a pair of LED eye glasses that will use light therapy to treat insomnia.

While numerous wearables tout fitness benefits, few devices have demonstrated any empirical evidence of improving wellness. It’s become clear that the golden use case that would propel wearables from a clever accessory to a genuine necessity has yet to emerge. This may be about to change. Last week researchers at the University of Buffalo revealed their progress on a pair of LED eye glasses that will use light therapy to treat insomnia.

  • 15.07.2015, 15:58 von Editor Uno
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Retailers have the technology to scan your face without your consent

Retailers already have the technology to scan your face and track you, and they expect to not have to get your consent to do so. Should businesses should need permission to scan your face and retain your information? This past week, privacy advocates have given up and walked away from a 16-month-long effort to secure that standards are in place to protect consumers from retail facial scans.

  • 15.07.2015, 15:50 von Editor Uno
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Thanks to advancing surgical tech, getting new heart valves has never been easier

One way to boost performance in an underachieving or aging heart is to get a valve replacement. In the old days that meant a huge surgery and the better part of a year to fully recover. Valve suppliers that want to move product have recently come up with a much better option that combines catheter-based delivery with cutting edge imaging and presurgical stimulation. The entire process can now repair the heart in a few hours and have you back on your feet within a few days.

  • 15.07.2015, 15:41 von Editor Uno
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Intelligente Kontaktlinse von Medella hilft Blutzuckerspiegel zu überwachen

Schätzung gehen von weltweit rund 400 Millionen Diabetes-Patienten aus. Neue Technologien und Geräte werden in den kommenden Jahren das Management von Diabetes signifikant verbessern. Das Start-up Medella, geleitet von einem 22-jährigen Kanadier, will gegen Google, Microsoft und Novartis antreten. Geld kommt von einem frühen Facebook-Investor.








  • 15.07.2015, 15:05 von Editor Uno
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The future of inflight entertainment is your own smartphone and tablet

Forget the seatback video screen, the future of inflight entertainment is your own smartphone and tablet. Alaska Airlines began rolling out an inflight package called Alaska Beyond Monday, including a streaming service with about 100 hours of video entertainment. The airline will outfit its entire fleet of 737s with the service by April.

  • 15.07.2015, 10:34 von Editor Uno
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Urban Forest Neighborhoods

If one Dutch architect gets his way, we might soon be living in car-free urban forests where the buildings look like trees.

"Imagine living with nothing but green around you," says architect Raimond de Hullu. "Imagine growing flowers or tomatoes on your façade."

  • 08.07.2015, 14:34 von Editor Uno
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Entdecken Sie OAS1S – Nachhaltige Wohnhäuser in Gestalt von Bäumen

Der Raimond de Hullu konzipiert Wohnhäuser in Gestalt von meterhohen Bäumen. Dahinter versteckt sich ein grünes Wohnkonzept und einem Leben in der Natur.

  • 08.07.2015, 13:18 von Editor Uno
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Schwedische Marine mit unsichtbarem U-Boot

Wie ein Tarnkappenflieger unter Wasser: das neue schwedische U-Boot Kockums A26. Saab baut für Schweden ein U-Boot, das effektiv unsichtbar sein soll. Dadurch wird es möglich, dass Taucher das Schiff unbemerkt verlassen - zum Beispiel bei der Verteidigung gegen Russland.

  • 08.07.2015, 12:56 von Editor Uno
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Japanischer Jungbrunnen: Erfolge in der regenerativen Medizin

Ewig frisches Gewebe, jederzeit! Kaum jemand hätte je gedacht, dass dieser Traum greifbar würde. In Japan entsteht eine neue Biobank. Dort sollen Stammzellen lagern, um die gesundheitliche Zukunft des Landes zu sichern. Ausländische Forscher sind durchaus neidisch.

  • 08.07.2015, 12:49 von Editor Uno
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Smart glasses to assist disabled and elderly in everyday tasks

Almost everyone knows at least one of the following situations: you want to bake a cake but cannot remember the exact recipe, you do not know how to use a high-tech kitchen stove to prepare a delicious meal or simply how to repair a bicycle. In such everyday situations it may be helpful to receive unobtrusive and intuitive support from an adaptive technical system that operates along in a largely unnoticed and restriction-free manner. This project focuses on the development and testing of intelligent glasses.

  • 08.07.2015, 10:50 von Editor Uno
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Animal testing to be replaced by microdevices

Bio-inspired micro-devices could potentially replace animal testing and bring new therapies to patients faster and at lower cost in the future.

  • 06.07.2015, 12:27 von Editor Uno
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It's Chevy versus Tesla and it's on!

We heard it from GM CEO Mary Barra at Wednesday's unveiling of the 2016 Chevrolet Cruze compact sedan. "Making technology attainable also extends to electric vehicles," she said. "To make the biggest impact, it takes an engineering organization with the scale and the expertise to build electric vehicles for everyone, not just the elite."

  • 06.07.2015, 11:25 von Editor Uno
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Make fuel from water - a team of engineers has come up with a solution

Hydrogen - the most abundant element in the universe - has the potential to fuel our cities, leaving behind nothing but water and heat. Now a team of engineers has come up with a solution; a low-cost water splitter that produces both hydrogen and oxygen, continuously. While it appears to be a promising technology, creating hydrogen artificially has so far proven to be costly and difficult.

  • 06.07.2015, 11:02 von Editor Uno
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The world's first multi-storey skatepark

British architect Guy Hollaway has unveiled plans for the "world's first" purpose-built multi-storey skatepark, which he says will help prevent young people from moving away from a sleepy British seaside town.

  • 18.06.2015, 20:22 von Editor Due
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Nissan and the Batteries second Life

Automakers have begun harvesting batteries for use in stationary energy storage applications. Batteries could expand the energy storage market, and make EVs more affordable.

  • 18.06.2015, 20:17 von Editor Due
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Mercedes and the home energy storage batteries

As the newest carmaker on the block, it's perhaps not surprising that Tesla Motors likes to do things differently. That includes reaching beyond the automotive sector with its recently-announced plans to sell standalone battery packs for home and commercial energy storage. Mercedes-Benz now plans to enter the energy-storage business as well.

  • 18.06.2015, 09:09 von Editor Due
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The e-aircraft cockpit concept - Transforming cockpit design

The Airbus Group’s innovative new e-aircraft cockpit concept brings together unparalleled connectivity in an electric aircraft with a design transformation that affects everything from the structural assembly to the instrument panel and interior detailing.

  • 18.06.2015, 08:50 von Editor Due
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WaterNest - The solar-powered floating home

Italian architect Giancarlo Zema has designed a new eco-friendly floating home. The WaterNest 100 is a circular pod-like structure that provides 100 sq m (1,076 sq ft) of living space. Up to 98 percent of the structure is made of recycled materials and it is powered by a roof-top solar array.

  • 18.06.2015, 07:36 von Editor Due
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Blue Energy – How mixing water can create electricity

The intriguing chemistry that occurs where rivers meet the sea could power our homes and much more. It is perhaps one of the most under-exploited sources of green energy. When salt water and fresh water mix in estuaries, a chemical process occurs that can be harnessed for electricity generation.

  • 16.06.2015, 10:16 von Editor Uno
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The man who built himself the “impossible” knee

After he lost his right leg in a car accident, Brian Bartlett was told he'd have to give up extreme sports – so he set out to prove the experts wrong. Rose Eveleth reports.

  • 16.06.2015, 09:52 von Editor Uno
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How the TV robot stopped being a joke

As robots return to the small screen in Channel 4's Humans, Matthew Sweet reflects on their long and peculiar television history.


  • 16.06.2015, 09:33 von Editor Uno
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