Cicret brings the concept of wearable tech to a new level, projecting information from your phone directly onto your skin. Could this be the future of wearables - or just vapourware?

Paris, France design company Cicret aims to turn your arm into a tablet device promising a great future for wearables. Billed as "a tablet, but on your skin" the Cicret bracelet will project your phone onto the skin of your arm. It will use a tiny 'pico projector' and eight miniature proximity sensors to replicate an image of your device screen on to your arm.

Cicret wearable aims to turn your skin into your tablet - but could this ever happen ZDNet

Low energy Bluetooth will communicate with your mobile device. A Wi-Fi component will connect you to the network. It will have a vibrate function and a micro USB charging port.

Touching your arm with your finger will interrupt one of the sensors and return the instruction back to the processor - the Cicret bracelet.

Flicking your wrist will initiate the display on your arm. The Cicret bracelet will be water resistant and durable. Flick, swipe, pinch and zoom functionality will be supported along with tap to text. You will even be able to answer the phone with a flick of your wrist.

Cicret wearable aims to turn your skin into your tablet - but could this ever happen ZDNet

The Cicret will be available in two capacities, 32Gb and 16Gb and will be available in 10 colours.

Cicret wants 700,000 euros (almost $810,000) to enable it to complete a working prototype but the company is optimistic about its success. If 'everyone donates one euro' (about $1.16) according to the website, then the company will make and release the product.

f you want to get your hands (and arms) on this latest piece of wearable tech you can either support the crowdfunding campaign on Indigogo or donate via the Cicret web site.

Donations so far of 112,000 euros (almost $130,000) have been made according to the website. This encouragement has enabled the company to plan to release the bracelet in June 2015.

It sounds too good to be true. But is this amazing device just another piece of vapourware? The YouTube video showing the device in use is obviously a mock up of the product.

700,000 euros does seem a lot of R&D to produce a working prototype but hardware development is understandably more expensive to deliver.

Will eight sensors really be able to accurately measure all the gestures you intend to make to your device? I'm not sure of the accuracy there.

Snopes thinks that the product is all smoke and mirrors. The Cicret Wordpress website asks for donations with no promise of any return.

The crowdfunding site has scarce information and no backers - yet. Perhaps this skin tingling technology is ten years ahead of its time.

But delivery in ten years might just be a step too far for the risk averse investor



05.08.2015 | 559 Aufrufe

