There have been talks these past couple of days about a report in which Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin is proposing a trans-Siberian highway linking, well, the entire northern hemisphere together.

Not that this doesn't sound cool and all, but it also sounds like an almost impossible task from a financial perspective. Still, building this 'Trans-Eurasian Belt' alongside the existing Trans-Siberian railway could be interesting to say the least.

The plan was unveiled at the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow and would link Russia's eastern border with Alaska and then all the way to New York City.

One of the most difficult aspects of this project would be to build the necessary infrastructure for the 10,000 km (6,200 miles) or so which separate Russia's western and eastern boarders. Not to mention the rest of the distance to either London or New York.

Yakunin's report didn't specify how drivers would eventually cross the ocean between Siberia and Alaska. But in theory it could be done either by an 88 km (55 mile) long tunnel or a bridge.

As for costs, well we're definitely talking about trillions of dollars so let's not hold our breath just yet, especially since this project could turn out to be a logistical nightmare.

Furthermore, this project makes sense only for those looking to further expand industries, cities and of course to better manage energy resources - because people going on vacation would never choose to drive from London to New York by crossing the entire planet, instead of hopping on an 8 hour-long flight.

And as an added bonus, this type of thing would make for a great plot of some sort in Bond films of the future.


Story References: the siberian times via cnn

Posted by Sergiu Tudose

07.08.2015 | 574 Aufrufe

