Solar Panels That Configure Themselves

A new solar power system is easy to add to a roof, and performs its own safety checks.

  • 26.11.2014, 14:57 von Editor Zero
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Australien plant das größte Hotel der Welt

Noch gilt das Izmailovo in Moskow mit 7500 Zimmern als größter Hotelkomplex der Welt. Nun gibt es Pläne für ein Mega-Resort in Cairns, Australien. Ebenfalls 7500 Zimmer soll das 6-Sterne-Hotel haben, soll aber wesentlich mehr Gäste unterbringen. Trotz Problemen mit der Genehmigung könnte das Projekt dennoch umgesetzt werden.


Laut der aktuellsten Statistik des australischen Fremdenverkehrsamts zog es in der Saison 2013/2014 weltweit 6,1 Millionen Touristen…

  • 26.11.2014, 14:48 von Editor Zero
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Watch An Animation Of Skyscraper: The World’s Tallest Roller Coaster, Opening 2017

Skyscraper, as the roller coaster is being called, will not be part of Orlando’s major theme parks like Walt Disney World or Universal Orlando. Rather, it’s being built as part of a development at Orlando’s International Drive and Sand Lake Road, called Skyplex, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Although the Skyscraper coaster will be Skyplex’s main attraction, the 495,000 square foot development will feature “upscale arcading,” retail shops, simulators, and rock climbing walls. But the featur…

  • 24.11.2014, 16:49 von Editor Zero
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Das sind die 50 innovativsten Unternehmen der Welt

“Es mag schwierig erscheinen, zu definieren was eine wirklich pfiffige Firma ausmacht, aber Sie erkennen eine sofort, wenn Sie sie sehen.” Mit diesen Worten leitet MIT Technology Review-Redakteur Brian Bergstein einen faszinierenden Rückblick ein, der auch gleichzeitig ein Ausblick und Überblick ist: MIT Technology Review hat die 50 pfiffigsten und innovativsten Unternehmen gekürt.

Der Kriterienkatalog bewegt sich dabei fernab statistisch erfassbarer und doch irgendwie nichtssagender Zahlen w…

  • 23.11.2014, 22:05 von Editor Zero
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  • 500 Aufrufe

Magic Plan – Kostenlose App für Architekten und Raumgestalter zur Erstellung von Raumplänen

Wenn man plant seine eigenen vier Wände oder Büroräume neu zu gestalten, greifen die meisten noch immer zu Stift und Papier um sich schnell einen Raumplan zu zeichnen. Doch dank der neuen kostenlosen App Magic Plan gehört das Scribbeln auf Papier der Vergangenheit an und Raumpläne werden schnell erstellt, genau und präzise. Und dank Augmented Reality, muss man nicht einmal mehr Maße eingeben, sondern einfach die Räume im Haus oder Gebäude via Tablet oder Smartphone Kamera abscannen. Zudem kann …

  • 23.11.2014, 21:57 von Editor Zero
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  • 474 Aufrufe

Robohouse Project pumped simulated sweat and breath into empty Homes

For six straight years, the two-story, single-family house in Campbell Creek, Tennessee pretended to be occupied by humans. The bathroom light would click on in the morning. The shower would turn on, spraying an empty bathtub. No one lived in the house, but still the fridge would open and shut over the course of the day, and, every so often, the washer and dryer would starting rumble to life. TVs droned at empty rooms. At night the lights would come on throughout the home, waiting for a preset …

  • 23.11.2014, 21:48 von Editor Zero
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  • 440 Aufrufe

Zu Testzwecken: Drei Häuser sechs Jahre lang von Robotern bewohnt

Energieeffizienz wird beim Entwerfen neue Häuser immer wichtiger. Weniger Energieverbrauch spart nicht nur dem späteren Nutzer Geld, sondern leistet auch einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz. Eine Studie im US-Bundesstaat Tennessee wollte nun den exakten Einsparungseffekt verschiedener Energiesparmaßnahmen beziffern. Zu diesem Zweck wurden im Zuge des Projekts drei verschiedene Häuser gebaut, die unterschiedlich energieeffizient ausgestattet wurden. Diese Häuser wurden anschließend allerdings nicht vo…

  • 23.11.2014, 21:41 von Editor Zero
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  • 458 Aufrufe

Myris von EyeLock – Biometrische Sicherheit für zu Hause dank innovativem Augenscanner

Biometrische Sicherheit liegt im Trend und Technologien wie wir sie vor Jahren noch in Hollywood-Streifen sahen, finden langsam Einzug ins Eigenheim. Myris ist der erste Augenscanner für zu Hause und soll uns in Zukunft erlauben unsere Haustüren via einem schnellen Scan unserer Iris zu öffnen. Das Unternehmen, welches den Augenscanner für zu Hause baut, trägt den Namen EyeLock und bringt mit Myris den ersten Scanner auf den Markt der erschwinglich ist und zudem eine hohe Sicherheit garantier…

  • 23.11.2014, 21:38 von Editor Zero
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  • 458 Aufrufe

World's first climate-controlled city set for construction in Dubai

Not content with playing host to the tallest building in the world, Dubai has unveiled plans for the world's first indoor city – a temperature-controlled mega resort featuring a retractable glass roof and the world's largest shopping centre.

Mall of the World is the vision of property developer Dubai Holding and is conceived as a 450-hectare resort, attracting over 180 million visitors each year with the promise of a glitzy theatre district and a gigantic theme park.

At the heart of the propo…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:59 von Editor Zero
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Dubai plans to build world's tallest twin towers

Developers Emaar Properties and Dubai Holdings have partnered to create a huge development on the Dubai waterfront, with six residential towers as well as a pair of rocket-shaped buildings they say will be the world's tallest twinned skyscrapers.

News: the massive 6 million-square-metre Dubai Creek Harbour development launched this week will include a pair of record-breakingtowers, according to the developers.

Although no architect has been officially named for the project, a masterplan d…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:56 von Editor Zero
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London's future skyline captured in new visualisations

This series of images by architectural rendering studio Hayes Davidson envisages how London's skyline might look in 20 years time.

Over 200 towers with a height of 20 storeys or greater are planned in the UK capital over the next two decades and Hayes Davidson has visualised how these new buildings will appear alongside existing skyscrapers such as Renzo Piano's The Shard and Norman Foster's The Gherkin.

Existing view of London's skyline from Waterloo Bridge

The images were created for a…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:53 von Editor Zero
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Japanischer Baukonzern Shimizu will Wohn-Spirale im Ozean errichten

Tokio (JAPANMARKT/jw) – Japans Baukonzerne denken gerne möglichst groß. Obayashi zum Beispiel will bis 2050 einen Aufzug in den Weltraum bauen. Rivale Shimizu konterte jetzt mit einem Gebäude, das in die entgegengesetzte Richtung zeigt – eine Spirale zum Wohnen bis zum Meeresboden. Sogar Kosten und Bauzeit wurden schon kalkuliert.

Ein einzelnes Spirale-Gebäude soll nach den Plänen von Shimizu 5.000 Menschen beherbergen. Nahe der Wasseroberfläche würde eine Sphäre mit einem Durchmesser von 50…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:47 von Editor Zero
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  • 516 Aufrufe

The Germans Have Figured Out How to 3-D Print Cars

The assembly line isn’t going away, but 3-D printing is going to reshape how we make cars. The EDAG Genesis points the way, with an beautifully crafted frame made from a range of materials and inspired by a turtle’s skeleton.

It’s not a sculpture. It’s the future of car manufacturing. Image: EDAG

The German engineering firm showed off the Genesis design concept at the Geneva Motor Show as proof that additive manufacturing–EDAG’s fancy term for 3-D printing–can be used to make full-size car…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:43 von Editor Zero
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  • 544 Aufrufe

Hypersonic Successor to Legendary SR-71 Blackbird Spy Plane Unveiled

Image: Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin’s famed Skunk Works has finally unveiled the long-awaited successor to the SR-71 Blackbird. Aviation Week and Space Technology’s Guy Norris pulled the covers off the project that Lockheed Martin is simply calling the SR-72. The new airplane will be roughly the same size as the record-setting Blackbird, but will be able to fly twice as fast as the jet that still holds the speed records.

The new spy plane will be capable of Mach 6 cruise speeds, making it…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:16 von Editor Zero
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The Navy’s Developing Little Autonomous Boats to Defend Its Ships

Navy ships are at their most vulnerable when they’re resupplying in port or navigating narrow straits or rivers because they’re tricky to maneuver in tight quarters and vulnerable to attack. The attack 14 years ago on the USS Cole as it refueled while berthed in Yemen, an attack that killed 17 American sailors and reiterated the need to protect warships in port.

To counter asymmetric attacks—the 505-foot Cole was attacked by a small craft packed with explosives that ripped 40-foot gash in the …

  • 23.11.2014, 18:14 von Editor Zero
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  • 450 Aufrufe

Urban Planning Ideas for 2030, When Billions Will Live in Megacities

The statistics are staggering: Researchers predict that by 2025, the world will have 37 megacities, defined as urban areas with more than 10 million people. New York City and Newark are expected to have more than 23 million inhabitants; Tokyo, more than 38 million people. All told, well over half of the world’s population will be living in these super settlements.

A new exhibit opens at MoMA tomorrow. Called Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Growing Megacities, it looks at how urban planne…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:12 von Editor Zero
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This Tiny Engine Could Make Leaf Blowers Sound Less Like Jets


Big engines like the 707-horsepower monster Dodge put in the Challenger Hellcat or Volvo’s little four-cylinder that makes 425 ponies get all the attention these days. But there are millions of tiny engines doing tiny things (think garden trimmers, leaf blowers, that sort of thing) that we never give much thought to. But just as there are engineers pondering how to make big engines more powerful, so too are there engineers pondering how to make tiny engines more powerful.

Some o…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:07 von Editor Zero
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  • 495 Aufrufe

Harvard Researchers Build $10 Robot That Can Teach Kids to Code

Mike Rubenstein wants to put robots in the classroom.

Working with two other researchers at Harvard University, Rubenstein recently created what they call AERobot, a bot that can help teach programming and artificial intelligence to middle school kids and high schoolers. That may seem like a rather expensive luxury for most schools, but it’s not. It costs just $10.70. The hope is that it can help push more kids into STEM, studies involving science, technology, engineering, and math.

The too…

  • 23.11.2014, 18:04 von Editor Zero
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  • 484 Aufrufe

Study of human immune responses could lead to better flu vaccines

Scientists make this season's flu vaccine based on the strains of the virus that circulated during the last flu season. It's a flawed approach, but it's the best they can do given that it takes months to make the vaccine, and there's no way -- at least not yet -- to predict how the virus might evolve in the interim. But a new computer modeling study suggests the human immune system has a better memory than scientists had thought for strains of the flu it's encountered in the past. In the future…

  • 23.11.2014, 17:37 von Editor Zero
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  • 472 Aufrufe

'Twice as tough' Gorilla Glass 4 to make phones more resilient

Corning, makers of the Gorilla Glass that sits atop the majority ofsmartphone screens, has announced the latest iteration of its most famous product. Gorilla Glass 4, the company claims, is "up to two times tougher than any competitive cover glass design now in the market". We presume that includes Gorilla Glass 3 too.

So could this mean the end of cracked phone screens etched with cobweb-patterned shards of glass?

Corning really hopes so. The company has been determinedly exploring ways to hel…

  • 23.11.2014, 17:30 von Editor Zero
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  • 523 Aufrufe