The smart farming revolution - how technology will change farmers' lives

Another agricultural transformation is about to unfold and it will be driven by data, drones and automated machinery.

Mit modularem Feldroboter gegen Unkraut in der Landwirtschaft

Wer schon einmal Unkraut gejätet hat, weiss wie sehr diese mühsame, kosten- und zeitintensive manuelle Arbeit nach Ablösung schreit. Wissenschaftler am Fraunhofer IPA haben zusammen mit Projektpartnern eine Automatisierungslösung entwickelt, die Unk…

Big Data and its role in agriculture

Last week, the House Agriculture Committee held a public hearing to examine big data and its role in agriculture, specifically on how to best use, collect, and protect this data.

Precision agriculture - Using predictive weather analytics to feed future generations

By 2050, it’s expected that the world’s population will reach 9.2 billion people, 34 percent higher than today. Much of this growth will happen in developing countries like Brazil, which has the largest area in the world with arable land for agricul…

Get ready for digitized farming

Earlier this year, at the AMC Engineering Conference in Waterloo, Iowa, Jeremy Leifker, manager of product strategy and marketing with John Deere’s Intelligent Solutions Group, gave a presentation called “Digitalization —The Next Level of Corn and S…

Global Agriculture Faces Decade of Flat or Falling Prices

GLOBAL - World prices for food will remain flat or could fall over the next 10 years because of the current growth in agricultural production. The World Trade Organisation Public Forum, Trade Works, heard last week (30 September – 2 October) that ag…

Drones and driverless tractors in the future of farming

With more than half of the British countryside being managed by precision farming methods, is the new agricultural revolution gathering pace?

Agriculture in China: The industrial mirage

China’s agricultural modernization model is today faced with significant limitations in terms of social and environmental sustainability. The change in trajectory, which will be difficult, will not come about without a recognition of smallholders.


Wisconsin Continues to Lead in Organic Agriculture

Wisconsin has for the past several years been one of the national leaders in organic agricultural production, and a recently released survey from the National Agricultural Statistics Service shows the Badger state is home to about 9 percent of the n…

Will Organic Agriculture Feed the World?

The United Nations recently released their 2015 World Population Prospects report, which estimates the vast numbers of humans that will inhabit our planet in the next 15 years. By mid-century, the estimated world population will be 9.7 billion souls…