What will humans do once robots take our jobs? Regardless of whether you think machines and robots are going to take your job or whether you’re more optimistic and believe new roles will develop, one thing is certain – jobs of the future will be dif…
Wer schon einmal Unkraut gejätet hat, weiss wie sehr diese mühsame, kosten- und zeitintensive manuelle Arbeit nach Ablösung schreit. Wissenschaftler am Fraunhofer IPA haben zusammen mit Projektpartnern eine Automatisierungslösung entwickelt, die Unk…
Seit Jahren wetteifern Wissenschaftler daher um den Titel des Langstreckenläufers unter den Maschinenmenschen. Der chinesische Roboter Xingzhe No. 1 stellte dabei vergangene Woche einen neuen Weltrekord auf: Mit nur einer einzigen Batterieladung leg…
A quadruped robot in the southwestern municipality of Chongqing walked its way on to the pages of the Guinness World Records book on Sunday.
According to the BBC, Carnegie Mellon University researchers are exploring advanced uses of 3D printers: printing with biological materials. Having adapted a low-cost MakerBot 3D printer for their purposes,
Folgt man dem Trendforscher Gabor Jánszky, wird 2025 je nach Standort komplett anders gearbeitet. Um erfolgreich zu sein und an die besten Arbeitskräfte zu kommen, werden Organisationen in der Stadt andere Strategien verfolgen müssen als solche, die…
Automotive manufacturers have been experimenting with 3D printing for some time now. Some manufacturers see the technology as a way to customize vehicles, while others are building 3D printed car bodies. It certainly seems as though additive manufac…
When Megan Thompson was just over 30 weeks pregnant with her son Conan, doctors noticed a large mass on his face during an ultrasound that they couldn't identify. Fearing the mass may be cancerous, doctors didn't know if it would block the baby's ai…
Learn how Israel is revolutionizing large-scale 3D printing, in technology that may one day rapidly print airplane parts.
The field of 3D printing has taken the world by storm but is still relatively new, and perhaps unsurprisingly Israelis are lead…
Henn-na, said to be the world’s first hotel run by robots, turns out to need a surprising amount of human intervention – except where you would most like it.