3D printing and fashion: How the tech is being used and what to expect going forward

3D Printing is taking fashion by a storm! What lawyers need to know

Craftsmanship and handiwork is not necessarily eliminated with the advent of 3D technology and a sea change is coming to luxury brands in particular. Initially, fashion brands were …

Können Roboter Menschen trauen?

Die Weltreise von HitchBOT, dem trampenden Roboter, ist vorerst vorbei. Unbekannte beschädigten ihn in Philadelphia zu stark. Trotzdem ist das Projekt ein großer Erfolg.

Von seiner Reisewunschliste in den USA konnte HitchBOT nur die ersten beiden Pu…

Will 3D Printing Be Useful in Government?

Because I review a lot of products, I often get asked a lot of questions, especially about new technology. Normally, those questions are about how the technology works and how it can fit (or sometimes why it won’t fit) into government. Over the next…

MIT Developed a Way To Make Robotic Hands Way More Like Our Own

Robotic arms have been around for decades now—but even though we humans like to compare these machines to our own bodies, robotic arms and hands are very, very limited when it comes to dexterity. According to a pair of MIT engineers, the key to maki…

Will machines eventually take on every job?

Automation will continue to transform the global workforce, but taking an active role in that process will help us reduce the damages and increase the gains, finds Rachel Nuwer.

It’s a booming time to be a truck driver. According to data NPR compile…

Spain's 3D food printing lab: Bringing technology to the table

The University of Barcelona, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and the Fundació CIM have opened a new lab where technology is transforming Food. Technology has been encroaching into the professional kitchen for years.


Four-armed cyborg helping surgeons to conquer lung cancer

New 'da Vinci' robot allows patients to leave hospital just two days after major surgery; New robot is being used by NHS experts in the fight against lung cancer; Cyborg removes tumours with less impact on patient than keyhole surgery; Da Vinci robo…

Meet Jibo - A member of the family

Jibo is a social robot oriented toward home and family activities

Jibo Inc., the company behind social robot Jibo, said Wednesday that it has secured an additional $11 million in venture capital funding, which will be used to help build its first ru…