Twelve Things We Can 3D Print in Medicine

Kaiba Gionfriddo was born prematurely in 2011. After 8 months his lung development caused concerns, although he was sent home with his parents as his breathing was normal. Six weeks later, Kaiba stopped breathing and turned blue. 


How 3D Printing is Driving Innovation to Medical Specialties

Some have claimed that the advance of medical (and computer) technology is progressing at a rate faster than the human mind can assimilate. 3D printing is simply two-dimensional printing built upwards. The most exciting aspect of 3D printing involve…

On the Edge of Automation

Five hundred years from now, says venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson, less than 10 percent of people on the planet will be doing paid work. And next year?


Mining automation: The be all and end all?

The fully automated mine has long since passed the days of concept and evolved into a reality. If the industry is to survive and grow, on this planet and elsewhere, total automation of many of the processes is the way forward. 

Buddy Is A Really, Really, Ridiculously Cute Family Robot

Robots need better PR agents. They’re often portrayed as hard-edged, cold automatons that are just waiting to kill you in your sleep. Buddy, a family robot currently available for pre-order on Indiegogo, seems to be a lot nicer.


Robotic Microfish Can Sense and Remove Toxins From Their Environment

In the not-too-distant future, tiny robotic fish could be cruising around inside our bodies, delivering drugs and cleaning up toxins. This week, engineers at the University of San Diego unveiled the first prototype: a chemically powered, magneticall…

Ersetzt ein Dino-Roboter bald das echte Haustier?

Eine US-Firma bringt einen künstlichen Dinosaurier auf den Markt, der in der Interaktion mit dem Kind dazulernt. Das Kind soll die Persönlichkeit des Dinos mitgestalten.

Echte Haustiere waren gestern. Im September bringt die US-amerikanische Firma W…

Boston Dynamics' human-like robot explore world

Atlas, the humanoid robot created by Google-owned Boston Dynamics, is beginning to have a life of its own. Sort of.

In a YouTube video that appeared in the past 24 hours, Atlas can be seen walking through the woods. The only thing trailing the bot i…

Successful Automation is Robots, Humans Working Together

While their use in the lab began as “glorified plate handlers,” robots are proving more valuable and taking on more responsibilities.

Sam Michael says the evolution of laboratory robots looks a bit backward. Rather than starting out small and growin…

Introducing YuMi - The World's first truly collaborative robot

The new era of robotic co-workers is here. YuMi is the result of years of research and development, making collaboration between humans and robots a reality, but it is also much more.

ABB has developed a collaborative, dual arm, small parts assembly…