Turning to Chemistry for New 'Computing' Concepts

As the complexity and volume of global digital data grows, so too does the need for more capable and compact means of processing and storing data.

3D Printing - Bringing the World’s Greatest Art to Blind People

New York-based company 3Dphotoworks is aiming to make the 2D world of art accessible to blind people using a 3D printing process that turns paintings, drawings and photographs into 3D printed tactile fine art. Developed in collaboration with the Nat…

Drones Do the Dirty Work in a 'Self-Repairing City'

No more waiting for the government to fix that giant pothole. Soon, robots will automatically detect and repair city problems.

ith today’s advanced drone technology, unmanned aircraft can do all kinds of stuff: They can make art, help preserve Peru’…

Drone Autonomously Avoiding Obstables at 30 MPH

MIT researchers say their drones can safely navigate forests at 30 mph. Many inexperienced drone pilots crash their new toys in trees. This drone could make that a problem of the past. 

A basis for all cryptography

A tool that would provide a secure foundation for any cryptographic system may be close at hand.

“Indistinguishability obfuscation” is a powerful concept that would yield provably secure versions of every cryptographic system we’ve ever developed an…

vOICe - Intelligente Brille lässt blinde Menschen die Umgebung hören

vOICe eine Neue und kreative Technologie hilft blinden Menschen bei der selbstständigen Orientierung. Die neue Brille des California Institute of Technology in Pasadena wandelt Bilder in Geräusche um, um Hinweise darauf zu geben, in welcher Umgebung…

Smart glasses translate video into sound to help the blind see

Blind people have long relied on sound as a substitution for sight, and some even use echolocation to navigate around objects. But it turns out that sound can be specifically designed to convey visual information. Now, that phenomenon is being used …

Sonic Beam: Hologramm-Schallwellen lassen Objekte schweben

Es ist schon kleine Sensation was dem Forscherteam um Asier Marzo, Bruce Drinkwater and Sriram Subramanian von den Universities of Bristol and Sussex mit dem Sonic Tractor Beam gelungen ist. Der Sonic Tractor Beam bringt Objekte zum schweben.

From science fiction to reality - sonic tractor beam invented

The world’s first sonic tractor beams that can lift and move objects using soundwaves have been built by a team that includes researchers at the University of Sussex.

Tractor beams are mysterious rays that can grab and lift objects. The concept was …

Yamaha Motobot - Roboter fährt Motorrad

Robotik ist ein spannendes Thema, zu dem sich kontinuierlich neue Entwicklungen ergeben. So hat Yamaha beispielsweise kürzlich einen neuen Roboter namens Motobot vorgestellt. Dessen besondere Fähigkeit: Er kann Motorrad fahren.