Robotics – Softies mit Zukunft

Zu schwerfällig, zu unflexibel sind heutige Roboter, um sensibel mit Mensch und Umwelt umzugehen. Nun greifen Forscher zu radikal neuen Materialien und Konzepten. Ihr Ziel: den Roboter neu erfinden.

Interactions and Perceptions of Kinetic Wearables

Scientists from the MIT Media Lab believe that future jewelry should not be static, but “living objects on the body.” So they developed Kino, a line of jewelry that can move and interact with the environment.

Skilling up for the future

What will humans do once robots take our jobs? Regardless of whether you think machines and robots are going to take your job or whether you’re more optimistic and believe new roles will develop, one thing is certain – jobs of the future will be dif…

Der menschliche Gang und der Roboter

Ein EU-Forschungsprojekt ist dem Laufverhalten des Menschen auf der Spur. Die Analysen sollen den Gang von Roboter verbessern. Zuletzt wurde am Workshop “Robotics in the 21st Century” vom Projekt “KoroiBot” berichtet.

Walking Chinese Robot Breaks Guinness World Record

A quadruped robot in the southwestern municipality of Chongqing walked its way on to the pages of the Guinness World Records book on Sunday.

Siemens Healthcare introduces first twin robotic X-ray system

With the new X-ray scanner Multitom Rax, it’s no longer either/or. Multitom Rax uniquely combines patient care and productivity, bringing them to a whole new level. Its Robotic Advanced X-ray technology (RAX) delivers a combination of high asset uti…

The Yamaha Motobot: A Robot Riding Motorcycles Better Than Humans

Yamaha is delving into the world of autonomous vehicles in a way befitting the unique company that it is: by building a robot that is capable of learning to pilot a motorcycle better than a human can, but not just any human. Yamaha aims to outperfor…

A robot anyone can build - The Lego of the Future?

A robotics and coding kit for kids of all ages. Modular, colorful and LEGO® compatible. Build, code, play, create the future! Meet Robo Wunderkind, the Lego of the future. This startup is building programmable Lego-like bricks that teach kids how al…

Inside Japan’s first robot-staffed hotel

Henn-na, said to be the world’s first hotel run by robots, turns out to need a surprising amount of human intervention – except where you would most like it.


Intelligente Roboter sollen blinden Menschen in Zukunft helfen

Am Robtics Institute der Carnegie Mellon University arbeitende US-Forscher möchten blinden Menschen in Zukunft einen intelligenten und hilfsbereiten Partnerroboter zur Seite stellen.