bromley caldari architects, in collaboration with acumen capital partners & brooklyn grange LLC, renovated a 300,000ft2 building in long island city, new york. originally a seven story commercial loft building, it has since catered to a range of industries including media, architecture, fashion, film, and printing, and design. as part of the $US 10,000,000 overhaul, the 42,000ft2 rooftop was transformed into a urban rooftop farm.

new york is home to a vibrant food-producing community that boasts a growing number of rooftop farms

Nearly 1,000,000 pounds of soil were transplanted to the roof, solidifying it as one of the largest rooftop agricultural systems in the world. other changes included the replacement of kalwall cladding with low-e windows, refreshed exterior lighting and signage, an additional elevator, electrical and building system upgrades, contemporary lobby and entrance canopy, modern corridors with energy efficient lighting, and bathrooms with low-consumption fixtures. the interior palette is minimal and low maintenance, with polished concrete flooring, stainless steel fittings and painted sheetrock partitions.

Laboratory for urban agriculture

The farm provides a place of refuge and relaxation in the always bustling metropolis

Adaptation of the host building for agricultural use

Sixty percent of the roof’s gross area is able to be cultivated

All images courtesy of bromley caldari

04.06.2015 | 11278 Aufrufe

